Paul Ekman was an undergraduate at the University of Chicago and New York University. He received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Adelphi University (1958), after a one year internship at the Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. After two years as a Clinical Psychology Officer in the U.S. Army, he returned to Langley Porter where he worked from 1960 to 2004. His research on facial expression and body movement began in 1954, as the subject of his Master’s thesis in 1955 and his first publication in 1957. In his early work, his approach to nonverbal behavior showed his training in personality. Over the next decade, a social psychological and cross-cultural emphasis characterized his work, with a growing interest in an evolutionary and semiotic frame of reference. In addition to his basic research on emotion and its expression, he has, for the last thirty years, also been studying deceit. Currently, he is the Founder and President of the Paul Ekman Group, LLC (PEG), a company that produces training tools relevant to emotional skills, and is initiating new research relevant to national security and law enforcement.
He supported the Emotional Intelligence Academy in establishing Paul Ekman International PLC under an exclusive license to create a network of Licensed Delivery Centers across the world to make his work more accessible through high quality training courses.
In 1971, he received a Research Scientist Award from the National Institute of Mental Health; that Award has been renewed in 1976, 1981, 1987, 1991, and 1997. His research was supported by fellowships, grants and awards from the National Institute of Mental Health for over forty years.
Articles reporting on Dr. Ekman’s work have appeared in Time Magazine, Smithsonian Magazine, Psychology Today, The New Yorker and others, both American and foreign. Numerous articles about his work have also appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post and other national newspapers. He has appeared on 48 Hours, Dateline, Good Morning America, 20/20, Larry King, Oprah, Johnny Carson and many other TV programs. He has also been featured on various public television programs such as News Hour with Jim Lehrer, and Bill Moyers’ The Truth about Lying.
Ekman is co-author of Emotion in the Human Face (1971), Unmasking the Face (1975), Facial Action Coding System (1978), editor of Darwin and Facial Expression (1973), co-editor of Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal Behavior Research (1982), Approaches to Emotion (1984), The Nature of Emotion (1994), What the Face Reveals (1997), and author of Face of Man (1980), Telling Lies (1985, paperback, 1986, second edition, 1992, third edition, 2001, 4th edition 2008), Why Kids Lie (1989, paperback 1991), Emotions Revealed, (2003), New Edition (2009) Telling Lies, Dalai Lama-Emotional Awareness (2008) and New Edition Emotions Revealed (2007).He is the editor of the third edition (1998) and the fourth edition (2009) of Charles Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1998). He has published more than 100 articles.
For the last decade Ekman has worked to translate his research into practical applications; shifting focus slightly from earlier products which focused on learning to spot how others feel (and what they may be concealing).
Some of Ekman’s current work emerges from his close relationship with the Dalai Lama. Reflecting more than fifty hours spent in one-on-one conversation with the Dalai Lama, an eBook, Moving Towards Global Compassion, will be available in 2014.This undertaking marks Ekman’s trajectory from establishing universals in the expressions of emotion to elucidating individual differences in how emotions are experienced.
So it was only five years ago that he established the strategic, exclusive partnership with Emotional Intelligence Academy in establishing Paul Ekman International plc(PEI). We are now responsible for taking this work outward via Paul Ekman Approved Trainers and Licensed Delivery Centres (LDC) across the globe. There are currently 26 LDCs and this is set to grow to a total of 50 in multiple languages, so these courses are accessible to all who need them
Awards and Honors 1983 Faculty Research Lecturer, University of California, San Francisco 1991 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award – American Psychological Association’s highest award for basic research 1994 Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Chicago 1998 William James Fellow Award, diberikan oleh the American Psychological Society 2001 DInobatkan oleh American Psychological Association sebagai salah satu psikolog paling berpengaruh di abad 20 berdasarkan publikasi, kutipan dan penghargaaan. 2008 Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Adelphi University 2011 Honorary Degree, Lund University, Sweden. 2008-present: Scientific Adviser to the FOX/Sky drama ‘Lie to Me’ berdasarkan hasil karya/pengalamannya. 2009 TIME Magazine’s Top 100 most influential people of 2009.
Paul Ekman adalah seorang lulusan dari University of Chicago dan New York University. Dia mendapatkan title Ph.D dalam bidang psikologi klinis di Adelphi University di tahun 1958, setelah melakukan magang selama setahun di Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute. Setelah dua tahun sebagai Clinical Psychology Officer di tentara Amerika, dia kembali ke Langley Porter dimana dia bekerja dari dathun 1960 hingga 2004. Penelitiannya dalam urusan ekspresi wajah dan gerak tubuh dimulai tahu 1954, sebagai bahan dari tesis gelar masternya di tahun 1955 dan publikasi pertamanya di tahun 1957. Di awal kerjanya, pendekatan dia pada perilaku non-verbal menunjukkan kemampuan dia mengenai kepribadian. Pada dekade berikutnya, pendekatan sosial-psikologis dan antar budaya menandai hasil karyanya, dengan minat yang bertambah pada Bingkai referensi berevolusi dan semiotik (an evolutionary and semiotic frame of reference). Sebagai tambahan untuk dasar penelitiannya pada emosi dan ekspresinya, dia juga mempelajari, selama 30 tahun terakhir, ketidakjujuran atau kebohongan. Saat ini, dia adalah pendiri dan Presiden dari the Paul Ekman Group, LLC (PEG), sebuah perusahaan yang menghasilkan tool pelatihan berkaitan dengan ketrampilan emosional, dan sedang merintis penelitian baru terkait dengan keamanan nasional dan penegakan hukum.
Dia mendukung Emotional Intelligence Academy didalam mendirikan Paul Ekman International PLC dibawah sebuah lisensi ekslusif untuk menciptakan sebuah jaringan pelatihan berlisensi di seluruh dunia untuk membuat hasil kerjanya dapat diakses melalui pelatihan berkualitas tinggi.
Di tahun 1971, dia menerima penghargaan untuk ilmuwan peneliti dari National Institute of Mental Health; penghargaan itu telah diperbaharui di tahun 1976, 1981, 1987, 1991 dan 1997. Penelitiannya didukung oleh para penerima beasiswa, donasi dan penghargaan dari National Institue of Mental Health selama lebih dari empat puluh tahun.
Artikel-artikel yang memberitakan hasil kerja Dr. Ekman telah muncul di majalah-majalah seperti Time, Smithsonian, Psychology Today, The New Yorker dan banyak lainnya, baik di Amerika maupun di luar Amerika. Beberapa artikel mengenai hasil kerjanya juga telah muncul di the New York Times, Washington Post dan beberapa Koran nasional. Dia telah tampil di acara seperti 48 Hours, Dateline, Good Morning America, 20/20, Larry King, Oprah, Johny Carson dan banyak program TV lainnya. Dia juga pernah tampil di beragam program televise seperti News Hour with Jim Lehrer, dan Bill Moyers’ The Truth about Lying
Ekman adalah penulis bersama dari Emotion in the Human Face (1971), Unmasking the Face (1975), Facial Action Coding System (1978), editor dari Darwin and Facial Expression (1973), co-editor dari Handbook of Methods in Nonverbal Behavior Research (1982), Approaches to Emotion (1984), The Nature of Emotion (1994), What the Face Reveals (1997), and author of Face of Man (1980), Telling Lies (1985, paperback, 1986, second edition, 1992, third edition, 2001, 4th edition 2008), Why Kids Lie (1989, paperback 1991), Emotions Revealed, (2003), New Edition (2009) Telling Lies, Dalai Lama-Emotional Awareness (2008) dan New Edition Emotions Revealed (2007).Dia juga editor dari edisi ketiga (1998) dan edisi ke empat (2009) dari Charles Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1998). Dr. Ekman telah mempublikasikan lebih dari 100 artikel.
Selama dekade terakhir Ekman telah bekerja untuk menterjemahkan penelitiannya kedalam aplikasi praktis; merubah sedikit focus dari produk-produk awal yang focus pada memperlajari bagaimana orang lain merasakan (dan apa yang mereka mungkin sembunyikan).
Beberapa dari hasil kerja Paul Ekman terkini muncul dari hubungan dekatnya dengan Dalai Lama. Merefleksikan diri lebih dari 50 jam dihabiskan melalui percakapan empat mata dengan Dalai Lama, Ekman mengeluarkan sebuah eBook, Moving Towards Global Compassion, dan akan tersedia di tahun 2014. Tanggung jawab ini menandakan jalur Dr. Ekman dari membuat gambaran dalam ekspresi dari emosi menuju ke membuka perbedaan individual didalam bagaimana emosi dialami.
Jadi hanya lima tahun yang lalu dia mendirikan kerjasama strategis dan eksklusif dengan Emotional Intelligence Academy dalam membuat Paul Ekman International plc (PEI). Kami sekarang bertanggung jawab untuk membawa pekerjaan ini keluar melalui para trainer yang diakui Paul Ekman dan pusat pelatihan berlisensi (Licensed Delivery Centers – LDC) diseluruh dunia. Terdapat 26 LDC and ini disiapkan untuk berkembang dalam 50 beragam bahasa, sehingga ilmu ini dapat terakses kepada siapapun yang membutuhkan.