HINGDRANATA NIKOLAY is the 1st and the only Trainer in Indonesia approved by PAUL EKMAN INTERNATIONAL to run programs based on the work of Dr.Paul Ekman. HING is also the 1st ever Licensed Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Southeast Asia. HING is the CEO and Master Trainer of INSPIRASI INDONESIA and NLP INDONESIA. He has had more than 20 years of extensive hands-on experience in business practice in variety of roles and industries, from sales to top management level. His crisps deliveries and styles, are the combination of his experience and great results in the field, richness in concepts and in-depth skills in the area of thinking, communication, and leadership. HING has trained with beautiful minds and experts around the world in their respective fields. His skills, expertise, attitudes, business ethics, and integrity, has earned trusts from major principals around the world in the field of self-development, such as The Society of NLP, De Bono Thinking System, and the latest, Paul Ekman International. Major corporations trusts him with their people and organization development. Among those corporations are Citibanks, BCA, Bank Mandiri, UOB Bank, DBS Bank, HM Sampoerna, Djarum Group, Sari Husada, Multi Bintang, Indo Mobil, Bursa Efek Indonesia, GIZ KPK, etc.
HINGDRANATA NIKOLAY adalah Trainer pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang dilisensi oleh PAUL EKMAN INTERNATIONAL untuk menjalankan program berbasis hasil karya Dr. Paul Ekman. HING adalah juga Master Trainer NLP berlisensi resmi pertama di Asia Tenggara. HING adalah CEO dan Master Trainer dari INSPIRASI INDONESIA dan NLP INDONESIA. Ia memiliki pengalaman praktis lebih dari 20 tahun di bisnis praktis, di berbagai peran dan industri, dari penjual sampai manajemen tertinggi. Gaya dan pembawaannya yang gurih, adalah kombinasi pengalaman dan hasilnya yang luar biasa di bidangnya, kekayaan konsepnya, dan skilnya yang tajam di area berpikir, komunikasi, dan kepemimpinan. HING telah belajar bersama para pakar dan ahli di bidangnya, di berbagai belahan dunia. Skil, kepakaran, sikap, etika bisnis, dan integritasnya, telah mengantarkan kepercayaan dari prinsipal besar dari seluruh dunia di bidang pengembangan diri, seperti The Society of NLP, De Bono Thinking System, dan terakhir, Paul Ekman International. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar mempercayakan pengembangan SDM dan organisasinya kepada HING. Di antaranya adalah Citibank, BCA, Bank Mandiri, UOB Bank, DBS Bank, HM Sampoerna, Djarum Group. Sari Husada, Multi Bintang, Indo Mobil, Bursa Efek Indonesia, GIZ KPK, dan lain-lain.